A day on DRP: culture in all its forms

Right in the heart of Paris, in the Jardin des Tuileries, street culture enthusiasts came together for 3 days of celebration.

A host of brands and speakers were on hand. With fiery skateboarding competitions, streetwear brands and invigorating mocktails, you had to be there to catch the energising, infectious atmosphere that circulated around every side of the tent.

DRP is a magazine and festival created by WSN to showcase fashion, music and, above all, culture. In the four issues of the magazine that have been released, street culture is celebrated through interviews with artists, contributions from photographers and key players in the industry. As the magazine came back with a fifth publication, the release was celebrated through DRP’s second edition of its namesake festival. We take a look back at the highlights of the festival.

A day of creativity

On its first day open to the public, the DRP festival began to fill up with urban culture fans as soon as it opened at 11am. For the lucky ones who had managed to get a festival pass, the DRP team's selection of cutting-edge brands won festival-goers over straight away.

Colours and posters adorned the ultra-fashionable spaces of Fila, DDP, Parur and Dutreuil, which had set up shop in the Jardin des Tuileries. Each label had designed its own universe, for a tour of streetwear in all its forms. 

Sneaker fans were well catered for. A display of vintage pairs had been selected by Rétroshop and Cashville, where festival-goers could pick up limited editions and other treasures to put on their feet. 

For art lovers, exhibitions decorated the walls to celebrate 50 years of Hip Hop. On one side, the collector Herbby and his legendary pieces. On the other, a 'bike life' exhibition by photographer Hugues Lawson-Body, designed by Dissident Pictures. In a space specially dedicated to the magazine, the DRP collective brought together works by artists Marvin Bonheur, Calixte Bernard and Nitram, contributors to previous magazines. 

As they made their way through the aisles, visitors could meet up at the Monster bar. Set up in conjunction with the drinks brand, an array of mocktails was served there throughout the day. Across the room, it was hard to miss the buzz of Syam Tattoo Ink’s machine, where festival-goers flocked to get a flash tattoo from the artist.

At the end of the morning, people gathered around the skateboard track to watch Céline Shen's robots dance to her "Star hunting" choreography. Immediately afterwards, visitors were treated to a talk by Aurélien Chapuis, Director of Music at Konbini, on a stage with an ultra-vintage decor. There, beatmakers Shaz and Raydaprince shared their experiences in the music industry.

Then it was time for the competition. Monster's Game of Skate invited skateboarders to come and try their luck at winning a prize money of 2,000 euros. As a bonus, a performance by Aurélien Giraud, world champion in the discipline. The sound of skateboards on the floor, the vibrant energy and the DJ set by Hotel Radio Paris made a lasting impression on visitors.

After a day spent roaming the playground dedicated to street culture, the cool kids of the DRP community gathered in the reserved space at the back of the tent for a party powered by Homi TV. Around the stage, the area quickly filled up as the first guests began their show. Coelho, Omizs, Keda and Maureen all took to the stage for a fiery evening.

The result was a wild crowd to round off the first day on DRP, ready to move on to the festival's other surprises.

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