Mirror Palace

As the sun rises, elegant silhouettes move slowly through an unlit walkway which offers at a glance a parade of styles and colours, breaking away from the white skies of the capital city.

Month: January. Year: 2020. Location: Paris.

Strange lights sparkle in the distance and then fade into the morning fog. One by one, the enthusiasts are crossing through the gateways and being presented suddenly with new, limitless and multifaceted worlds. This year, Who’s Next is offering you the chance to pass tothe other side by inviting you into its “Mirror Palace.”Inside, the show has begun. Everything has merged together and is shining: the reflections, the voices, the materials… Every hallway is a first-time, the discovery of new influences. We wander from aisle to aisle amongst the splendour of exposed materials and fabrics. With the softened aesthetics of a Grand Budapest Hotel, prosperous passageways in a Kubrick-style set are confronted with infinite chequerboards, where the gaze likes to go astray. We dare to lose ourselves in the shining, smooth mirrored-surfaces, so as to better understand ourselves. In this modern-day “Gallery of Mirrors,” we cross paths and search for each other. We begin to enjoy this electrifying sense of freedom.At nightfall, the music gets louder and louder. The opulence of the decor and mirrored walls is eye-catching. We mingle with the unknown, ready to let ourselves go. The circle keeps getting wider and more crowded…. Romantics, eccentrics, the androgynous and the committed: artists, models, designers, novices and insiders… All, observe, inspire and exchange among a cocktail of humour and boldness. Celebration is all around. The Great Ball can start.Who’s Next is playing with traditional codes and dares to incite confusion by inviting you to move beyond your idea of design and materials, of the real and the imaginary. Refuting the unity of time, space and action, this edition offers a multi-dimensional experience bordering with the abstract. A maze of colours, mirages and silhouettes.“Mirror Palace” is opening up its invisible doors, its labyrinths of design and visions diffracted to infinity. Live the extraordinary experience and change your prism of reality. More than ever before design is worth the journey, and fashion in particular is transcending the unconscious.Campaign by@bureaubadass & @perimetre.studio

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