Street Culture Odyssey: From WAF.’s Nigerian Beats to Kenner’s Brazilian Rhythms

Street Culture resonates with the complexity of a city’s soul. The people, as a community, are those who define and codify its intricacies. Lifestyle, Fashion, Art and Music intertwine through the cosmopolitan blend that characterizes the singularity of a city’s vibe and energy.

During an inspiring encounter with two artistic directors from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and Lagos (Nigeria), we got the opportunity to exchange on their creative vision for the fashion industry while delving into the complexity of urban cultures in their respective areas and the way they differ from our Western aesthetics and approach. 

Luciana Nigro designs for Kenner, an almost 30 years old Brazilian street style shoe brand, famous for their iconic sandals and their ‘Rakka Sole’ technology. Her initial approach to creativity came through her studies in product and graphic design. Luciana’s ethos stands within her consideration of Fashion as rather trends-driven and ephemeral. Her philosophy therefore translates into the broad world of Art and creative production, as a translation to more long-lasting timeless designs and forms.

Jomi Bello is an artistic director for WAF. (formerly Wafflesncream), a lifestyle and streetwear Nigerian brand with strong ties to skating culture and communities, recognized in all of Africa as a leader of the continent’s creative landscape. Jomi’s vision profoundly resonates with Luciana’s, as both creatives do not consider their work as properly “making fashion”. His career began as a “kind of failure” as per his words. His family’s longstanding background in design and his brother's involvement in creative production was the trigger to start his path in the field of creation, while still figuring out his way through life. His philosophy rests on experimenting, failing, trying to blend a passion, skateboarding in his case, with his own professional prospects.

Street Culture is a perception

Urban cultures do not adhere to strict definitions. Each city has its own evolving history, shaped by movement, art, and music, constantly redefining its "street style." 

Luciana reflects on Kenner's evolution: “Kenner wasn’t really conscious of its ties to street style, but I think that’s something the brand has always had in its soul, as it kept growing and reaching larger audiences. Our initial sandal designs were rather functional and minimalistic, but they then started evolving towards more graphical and urban-like shapes.” Luciana highlights the Brazilian street style's essence: practicality, comfort, and a casual approach that blends personal taste and needs. “It really is the core of Brazilian street style. Brazil is such a diversified country. There isn’t a proper way to define what street style is in our area. A common point we might highlight is the universal casualness there is in the way Brazilians dress.”

Jomi elaborates on Lagos' dynamic street culture, pointing out its unique environment and resilient community spirit. "Growing up in Lagos," Jomi reflects, "you quickly learn that survival is about community. It's a place where everyone is hustling for their piece of the pie, and that hustle breeds a certain resilience and creativity." He emphasizes that street style in Lagos is an expression of the soul: “Street style here," he continues, "isn't just about fashion—it's an expression of identity and survival. It is how we navigate this bustling, beautiful chaos every day.” This foundational energy drives Jomi's creations for WAF, infusing them with the raw essence of street culture.


Community makes urban cultures live

Urban cultures thrive on vibrant community interactions, constantly reshaping street style. Jomi and Luciana's approaches to fashion are deeply rooted in their respective experiences in Nigeria and Brazil. 

Jomi emphasizes dialogue's importance in urban culture: "For me, it's like a conversation. I always say, conversations rule the nation." His design philosophy draws from Lagos' social dynamics, inspired directly by his surroundings. "All I need to do is go for a walk. My moodboard is life, the people, what and who surrounds me." This ensures his designs resonate deeply with the community. "If you're not a people person, you can't do streetwear. It's about representing people and telling their stories." 

Luciana aligns with Jomi's views, affirming, "I like the image of people being our moodboard. That's the reason why we design, for the communities that inspire us." Kenner's design essence is "Form follows function," focusing on utilitarian products that serve the individual's journey, blending quality, durability, and practicality.

Another way of creating

Designing with conscience means navigating through sustainability, social justice, and fair practices.

Luciana highlights the need to stay connected to their community, addressing issues faced by marginalized groups in Brazil. "The main challenge is to keep connected to our people. If we keep making our creations better, our consumers notice this." Trust and product quality are crucial in maintaining these connections. 

Jomi insists on WAF’s holistic approach to sustainability, considering each individual needs: "If you're going to be sustainable, be sustainable from bottom to top, from the clothing to the people, to the welfare and all related challenges." This translates into fair labor practices, local tailors, and a zero-waste policy for the brand. Inclusivity is key. That means employing individuals based on potential. "We give everybody a six-week chance. Come and prove yourself, that’s our philosophy." Sustainability for Jomi extends beyond environmental concerns to social equity and community support: "Sustainability is not charity."

Luciana echoes these sentiments, focusing on product durability as a key aspect of sustainability: "If the product is durable, we are being sustainable. We have sandals here that last five, six, ten years." She also stresses reducing waste while maintaining ethical practices and community engagement.


New Challenges, New perspectives along with WSN

Kenner's partnership with WSN started through strategic introductions for international expansion prospects. Luciana narrates: "Our collaboration was initiated by our marketing sports manager. He was determined to elevate Kenner's global presence and reinforce our position as a leading brand for Brazilian lifestyle." Initially targeting Miami, Kenner is now set to explore Paris, a city renowned for its innovative fashion. "This venture into Paris is crucial for us to expand our reach and gain visibility in a fashion-forward environment." 

WAF’s connection with WSN began with help from mutual collaborator, Emmanuelle Courrèges from LAGO54 in Nigeria. Jomi reflects, "WSN’s enthusiasm for our brand and their visit to Nigeria inspired this partnership. We see Paris as an exciting platform to broaden our network and showcase our unique offers."

As the Who’s Next show approaches, both brands' expectations arise. Kenner aims to enhance its visibility in Europe and build valuable connections. "We are eager to engage with the Parisian fashion community and explore new markets and collaborations opportunities." Similarly, WAF looks forward to expanding their network and representing their culture globally. Jomi shares, "Paris is the fashion capital of the world. We’re excited to be part of that conversation and to show the world what we have to offer, be ambassadors not only for Nigeria but for the global African creative landscape."


Reflecting on the future

While exploring the prospects of potential further collaborations, their first trade-shows on the horizon, Jomi and Luciana's encounter marked a compelling narrative on the essence of urban cultures through their brands, WAF. and Kenner. Jomi emphasizes resilience, tenacity, and the importance of building a supportive community. His message is clear: "Don't listen to anyone, but also listen to people," urging future creators to filter advice and stay true to their vision. Luciana highlights the timeless value of courage and innovative mindsets, regardless of age. She believes in the power of the soul and creative essence before the product. 

Defining their brands in three words, WAF stands for “community, community and community” as per Jomi’s words, while Kenner embodies “functionality, curiosity and charisma”. Their common message to future generations: Stay courageous, resilient, and true to your essence. 

Come and discover Kenner and WAF. (on the What’s Up space) at Porte-de-Versailles from the 8th to the 10th of September for the upcoming edition of Who’s Next trade show in Paris. 

Yann Jobard

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