Interview with Pamela Kemmat and Nadège Thevenon, Founders of Paloma Rouen Boutique

Pamela Kemmat, the influencer and founder of the Pamela Rouen boutique, and her mother Nadège Thevenon, founder of the Paloma Rouen boutique, share their thoughts on “Who’s Next,” an event they regard as the beating heart of the fashion industry.

For Nadège and Pamela, love for fashion is a legacy passed down from one generation to the next. Nadège has attended “Who’s Next” every year for 30 years. “I used to come here in a stroller when I was just four years old,” says the lively Pamela, reminiscing about her early visits. “It’s an unmissable event on our calendar,” Nadège adds, smiling. For these two fashion enthusiasts, the event is about more than just discovering new trends—it’s about sharing, enjoying, and passing on their love of fashion.

"I've been coming to Who's Next for 30 years"

‘At Who's Next Paris, we're at the centre of the fashion world’.

How does “Who’s Next” influence the fashion calendar?

Pamela: "As retailers, we spend a lot of time in the store. ‘Who’s Next’ is a chance for us to break away, gather inspiration, and spot the season’s key trends. It’s a time-saver, bringing suppliers, designers, and buyers together in one place. It’s the perfect blend of business and pleasure."

What are you looking for at “Who’s Next”?

Nadège: "A human touch and a unifying approach to design. When you’re working with 40 or 50 designers, it’s vital to touch, observe, and test the products."

Pamela: "We make very thoughtful purchases, seeking out the best brands, focusing on quality, style, and value. In today’s climate, pricing is crucial because we have to consider people’s budgets."

What catches your eye as a buyer?

Pamela: "First and foremost, style. But we also look at pricing very carefully, as well as the production process, which is vital when it comes to prioritizing European manufacturing to ensure quality and depth in our collections."

What sets “Who’s Next” apart from other shows?

Nadège: "It’s one of the largest international fashion fairs in terms of exhibition space and attendance. What also makes it stand out is the range of exhibitors—from French designers to creatives from across Europe and Japan. Here, we’re truly at the centre of the fashion world."

What are you wishing for this year?

Pamela: "Lots of sales! Steady growth, plenty of smiles, and success."

Nadège: "That customers keep visiting the stores and that the industry finds harmony, allowing everyone to run their businesses peacefully."

Describe “Who’s Next” in three words.

Nadège: "International, avant-garde, essential."

Pamela: "And fun!"

📱 Instagram : Pamela Kemmat

📱TikTok : Spamelakmt (+920K)

🤳🏽TikTok : Pamelakmt (+400K)

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