‘La Mode Européenne’ : Circular fashion supporting the African economy

Since its inception in 2019, La Mode Européenne (LME) has stood out for its innovative and transformative approach to the fashion industry. By creating solidarity shops in Congo-Brazzaville and Cape Verde, stocked through donation boxes for clothing and accessories circulated in France and Europe, La Mode Européenne is committed to social and professional reintegration and creating local employment.

By combating textile waste, LME works to revalue dormant stocks of industry players. In an inspiring exchange with Baptiste Lingoungou, the founder of the association, we explored the motivations, initiatives, and challenges of this unique project that combines fashion, creativity, and philanthropic dynamics.

From Our Roots Comes Inspiration

Originally from Congo-Brazzaville, Baptiste has always been passionate about fashion, the culture of clothing, and elegance, all deeply rooted elements in Congolese tradition. "The philosophy of beauty through clothing can create opportunities for everyone, allowing all to present themselves at their best," he emphasises. Between 2015 and 2019, Baptiste ran a creative agency in Paris, connecting young French designers to sell and showcase their collections through pop-up stores. This experience led him to consider a more global approach to brand support, gradually including communication, sales, production, and international development assistance.

The idea for La Mode Européenne was born from the suitcases of gifts and clothes that Baptiste and his parents brought back to their family in Congo-Brazzaville. "How can clothing change lives?" he wondered. The answer was to create spaces for circular and community economies. Donation boxes and solidarity shops offer simple and transparent solutions for companies to valorise their unsold (and dormant) stocks while developing a philanthropic concept and transformative actions. Baptiste insists, "This project is also about offering the chance for a sustainable and promising future to the most disadvantaged populations in Africa."

Impact and Who's Next: A Partnership with Endless Opportunities

In 2021, Baptiste was invited for the first time to the IMPACT exhibition alongside Who's Next. This marked the beginning of a first collaboration with the sustainable brand NOYOCO, highlighted by a photographic campaign project, captured in Aubervilliers (Paris) with homeless individuals dressed in previously collected pieces. A partnership that enabled La Mode Européenne to receive even more donations for its solidarity shops. "We have evolved from a competitive to a cooperative posture within the industry," says Baptiste.

He continues about the opportunities of this alliance for his association: "IMPACT and Who's Next have allowed LME to expand its visibility and engage in collaborations with over 100 European brands in solidarity projects."

Baptiste adds, "There is a real need for communication between brands and associations like mine, and WSN acts as a real unifier for these dynamics. IMPACT perfectly illustrates the combination of eco-responsible and sustainable values and initiatives that drive each actor of this exhibition and this space more specifically."

Committed Initiatives: A Circular and Solidarity Model

La Mode Européenne stands in opposition to a reality where Africa has become an "open-air landfill" for creative industries. The association operates among the most vulnerable African populations while promoting environmental protection on the continent. Baptiste states, "Our project pays great attention to sustainability-related issues. Our donations are sorted in Parisian warehouses and distributed according to local specific needs. 80% of the items are in brand new conditions while 20% are high-quality second-hand products. Unsellable items are then revalued through recycling or partners specialising in upcycling, for example."

In equal spirits, LME ensures total transparency in its value chain. Donating companies can visit their warehouses and various structures, and products are regularly posted on the association's social networks. "Our adventures are continuously filmed from Europe to Africa," he adds, "to guarantee each partner’s global visibility."

The initiatives of La Mode Européenne offer several benefits to donor companies, including tax reductions of up to 60% of the net book value of donations (CERFA certificate issued on-fairs directly). Brands also benefit from "sustainability" content for their communication and can observe and attest to the results of their commitments through their Blockchain. "Brands must be able to realise the concrete impact of their commitments, and our project is also built around these issues."

The association's philosophy, "Do small things with greatness," Baptiste insists with inspiration. LME also targets youth and raises awareness about ecological responsibility issues. "We hope to educate young minds by encouraging them to become protagonists of a more sustainable future, their future," he asserts.

What Are the Prospects for the Upcoming Edition?

As the next edition of IMPACT and Who's Next approaches, the stakes and challenges of La Mode Européenne take on a new dimension. Baptiste fights to open the doors of his initiatives internationally while continuing to create and support cultural bridges between France and Africa. He details: "The goal is also to highlight the African creative landscape while creating cultural harmony between the two continents through the unifying nature of fashion."

Baptiste materialises and reinforces his vision through numerous collaborations: "Our recent partnership with the shoe brand PANAFRICA (exhibiting at our show) perfectly illustrates this aspect of our project."

For this show, La Mode Européenne will organise talks and an ‘Upcycling’ workshop in collaboration with HELÊ PARIS. Visitors will be able to participate in workshops akin to "solidar cafes," transforming unused items into trendy upcycled clothing.

LME is also expanding its horizons in Africa and announces the upcoming opening of a new solidarity shop in Cameroon in 2025, following the success of its shop opened in Cape Verde and initiated by Louise Jambon. Baptiste also strengthens his cultural commitment by participating in the television series project "MASOLO", which will bring together key players in the African creative industries.

A Second Chance...

"Giving a second life to a garment is giving a second life to a person on the continent, a second chance," Baptiste insists passionately. Beyond a philanthropic initiative, La Mode Européenne's project is also about "reconciling Africa and Europe by creating strong and collaborative links between each culture." A message of hope and progress that WSN shares and supports through our events and partnerships.

La Mode Européenne and its donation boxes count on your commitment and invite you to join us from the 8th to the 10th of September on IMPACT alongside Who's Next at Porte-de-Versailles.

Yann Jobard

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