Who’s Next’s Instagram Takeover

Who's Next shares with you the exclusive visit of 4 influencers from January 19th to 22nd

Neila IG Story DoneNeila Romeyssa

Neïla Romeyssa is 20 years old, and is parisian by adoption. She is a fashion blogger who has been creating visual and written content on her blog as well as on Instagram for more than three years. She enjoys looking for the perfect outfit, and often mixes different styles. She doesn’t hesitate to add touches of colour and cultural detail. Alongside her life as an influencer, she is studying for her Bachelor of Arts in Audiovisual Media at the Sorbonne.

Find Neila Romeyssa on Instagram and on our Instagram account @whosnextdotcom Friday 19 January!

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Loyal to Who’s Next since his arrival in Paris three years ago, we are happy to welcome back Julien, otherwise known as Mallain, this year. From his Breton roots, he has always known how to charm others with his strong personality and his distinct look. Julien very quickly worked out how to find his place among male influencers, partly thanks to his well-crafted outfits and his characteristic humour that you can find daily on his Instagram account. He collaborates with several brands. He his still very fond of French craftsmanship when it comes to anything accessories and underwear.

Find Julien Allain on Instagram and on our Instagram account @whosnextdotcom Satuday 20 January!

Katia IG SLazykat

Katia Giorgnio has always been addicted to fashion. Parisian by adoption, with the hair of a mermaid (or of a unicorn, it all depends on your point of view), she began her blogging career in 2008, as a hobby to share her looks, beauty advice, her daily life with her friends or photos of her cats. For almost ten years, she has shown her love of pastel colours, sparkly materials, and patterns… She is always searching for that killer piece to finish off an outfit.

Find Katia Giorgino on Instagram and on our Instagram account @whosnextdotcom Sunday 21 January!



Samy Jo Valentine is of Nigerian and Cameroonian origin. Fashion allows her to express herself; it is a means of communicating with others. Her style is timeless, elegant, feminine and sensual. She loves mixing designer pieces with more classic brands.

FindSamyJoValentineon Instagram and on our Instagram account @whosnextdotcom Sunday 21 January!

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