Meet our crew: Eva

Every Monday, get to know another one of our muses taking part in our communications campaign, #AfricaStreet!

Eva Bouillon

Age, Sex, City:21, female, Paris.What do you do?I’m a student, studying Francophone literature and I’m a journalist at Modzikon the side.What inspires you?I’m inspired by the music I listen to (a lot of RnB, a bit of Hip Hop), everything I read (articles, literature, social sciences etc.), everything I see (in the street, at the cinema, exhibitions etc.), discussions I have with other people...How would you define your look?Above all, comfortable. I really love sportswear and streetwear.Otherwise, sometimes I like to dress as the preppy girl (trench coat, blouse, Clarks – so basic), I have fun with it.I feel like, by prejudice, I’ve ascended the social ladder and overall, escaped the stereotypes I could have faced if I dressed in sports/streetwear.Being non-white and wearing sports/streetwear obviously has negative connotations.What’s your favourite part of your job?Being able to write about whatever I want, and increase the visibility of movements which don’t usually have a platform to express themselves.What are your plans for 2018-2019?Start my third year of uni, get onto the Masters I’m aiming for, and improve my writing, journalistic and otherwise.Who would you love to collaborate with?Magazines such as STYLIST, brands like Nike or EYTYS, as well as interview artists like the rap duo Bobby Colvin, for example.What does Paris make you think of?Paris used to make me think of freedom. Something very clichéd, therefore very linked to platitudes in writing. Now that I live here I have a less rose-tinted view: Paris reminds me more – from a socio-economic point of view – of an unattainable elitist ideal.Where would we find you on a Saturday night?At the cinema, at mine (during revision period), somewhere with my friends. Spoiler alert: I’m a boring girl, I don’t really enjoy fancy places. I like to chill.What is your link to Africa?My mother is congolese. We’ve been there twice with my family for the holidays. That’s my family link. Ideologically, I’m linked to Africa by anti-colonial ideas.Your biggest dream?To have my own books published (pray for me please).Your fashion icons?Naomi Campbell, I find her so beautiful. Joan Smalls is so sweet, I think.Your favourite piece of clothing?My favourite piece of clothing is a flashy, red Nike trackie. One where the hood zips up to the top. I dig that. It’s become my Sunday outfit.The song you listen to on repeat?"Nice For What" by Drake.He’s sooo good. It’s clean, and I’m really into the video, it’s full of super-powerful women.What are your three favourite Instagram accounts?You might think it’s dumb, but I love meme accounts. I think those are the ones I spend the most time on. They make me laugh.@will_ent, for example.@afrobeais sick as well, the steps are mad. I also like@minimalarchivea lot, for the looks they post.

Follow Eva Bouillon on Instagram!

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