Over fifty et alors?

Over Fifty et alors? is an association that was founded in October 2018 by Nathalie Garçon, a fashion stylist. Well established as a legitimate company, they work with many celebrities, who are conscious of the lack of female representation present in the world of fashion and beauty for the last 50 years…

The aim? To develop female visibility, changing the attitude towards women that has been present in the industry for the past 50 years and in turn to inspire generations following in their footsteps… Following their first event on the 17th of June last year, which was presented in the splendour of the Vivienne gallery, Over fifty Et alors? will be showcasing photos from the 6th-9th September in the Fame area during the Who’s Next trade-show. Aude de Thuin, the founder and president of Women Africa will be present on the 6th of September from 7pm, at a round-table conference with a cocktail reception. Organised by Sophie Guyot, alongside a collaboration with Best Image, L’Oréal and Silver Modelling Agency. Over-fifty-2