Come and discover Moroccan craftsmanship at Who’s Next

Come and discover Moroccan craftsmanship at Who’s Next


Moroccan craftsmanship is a reflection of a rich cultural heritage and ancient skill that has been passed down between generations for centuries. Come and discover the diversity and riches of an age-old culture… In French, the word for leather goods “maroquinerie,” originates from “maroquin,” a traditional leather-tanning technique invented in Morocco, which therefore highlights the real importance of craftsmanship in Moroccan culture. As key players, the leather and textile industries are represented by FEDIC* and AMITH** and supported by AMDIE*** ; In fact, Morocco is home to many traditional creative and innovative textile techniques. This mix is represented by the international importance of this industry, as well as the influence it continues to have on the local market. Likewise, the cosmetic industry is a recognised sector putting Morocco on the map. Traditional beauty routines are the new “must-have” and are being exported all over the world by Moroccan cosmetic brands. These revolutionary products are made from all-natural ingredients, such as: argan oil, prickly pear, black soap or purified rhassoul Moroccan clay… Who’s Next is delighted to be welcoming Moroccan design and creation to the “Morocco Fashion Word”, a dedicated area bringing together all that Morocco has to offer. (Hall 1, Stand X81/Y80) ***AMDIE: Moroccan Investment and Export Development Agency*FEDIC: Leather Industries’ Federation**AMITH: Moroccan Association of Textiles and Clothing

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