Impact and Neonyt Paris: a creative synergy for sustainability

As the fashion industry embraces sustainability, NEONYT and IMPACT have been joining forces since 2023 on Who's Next Trade Shows in Paris. The IMPACT and NEONYT Paris collaboration aims to redefine sustainable fashion by offering innovative solutions and fostering a community dedicated to ecological and human-centred practices.

In an insightful crossed-interview, Claudia Franz from Messe Frankfurt and Sylvie Pourrat from WSN shared their expertise and commitment to sustainable practices in the industry. 

Claudia Franz, with her extensive background in brand management, leads NEONYT’s mission of merging aesthetics, trends, and lifestyle with sustainability. 

Sylvie Pourrat, with over 20 years of experience in trade shows and sustainable practices, spearheads IMPACT’s efforts to promote positive change within the fashion industry. 

Together, NEONYT and IMPACT are committed to driving meaningful change, highlighting the importance of collaboration, innovation, and sustainability within the creative industries.

A common vision, federating values

It all started from a common vision: a mutual desire to federate our industries under shared values of sustainable development and boundless creative expression.

Claudia initiated the conversation with some context: “NEONYT began more than a decade ago as the sustainable fashion trade fair “Ethical Fashion Show” in France, later moving to Germany and joining forces with the “Greenshowroom” as part of Berlin Fashion Week. Its primary aim was to provide a platform where brands could display their designs and advocate for sustainability and innovation.” 

After rebranding into NEONYT in 2019, the event gained additional momentum and turned into a leading platform for sustainability, fashion and innovation, reflecting the growing demand for sustainable fashion. Simultaneously, the IMPACT initiative was launched, underscoring a strong advocacy for green sustainability and raising awareness about durable brands’ practices. 

“NEONYT acknowledged the opportunity to grow internationally and decided to partner with Who’s Next by licensing the show, combining the best of both visions for the fashion industry.” precises Claudia. 

This partnership made sense as both organisations aimed to adapt to evolving regulations and sustainable practices, leaving a stronger mark together.

Sylvie highlighted that this collaboration arrived at an opportune time for Who’s Next. “We were shifting towards a cooperative rather than competitive stance within the industry.” This union allowed both NEONYT and Who’s Next to expand their communication reach and address broader audiences. This partnership came as a surprise for most of the industry’s major players, who were focused on relevant and collaborative communication. By merging their visions, they could better meet the industry's needs despite some differences in resources and approaches. “Both our organisations share a common ambition and future vision for the market, approaching fashion through a similar lens.”

Mutual benefits of the collaboration

IMPACT and NEONYT’s collaboration benefited both companies and their partners on multiple fronts, while furthering their common projects and vision for the future.

Sylvie noted that the fashion industry is undergoing significant transitions, requiring trade shows to innovate by blending experience and creativity. “By combining their experiences, NEONYT and Who’s Next aimed to create effective solutions that cater to each partner's needs. The collaboration focuses on delivering efficient, flexible solutions that maintain both entities' identities,” she quoted.

Claudia discussed the importance of a clear assessment process for establishing NEONYT, involving third-party evaluations to ensure transparency and authenticity in sustainability practices: “This approach always differentiated us from others, providing buyers with standardised information on brands' sustainability levels while challenging our own values and commitments through a third-party’s involvement.” 

Nowadays, a common approach to regulations in the EU and around the world appears essential for fair operations and effective communication.

Claudia emphasised the significant innovation within the industry and the growing need to address these developments continuously, making the project an ever-evolving process.

The initiative’s new considerations

This year’s edition shall foster our industries and partners’ new challenges. IMPACT and NEONYT Paris collaborated on new solutions to address these arising trials.

Sylvie stated that the initial collaboration centred on communicating common commitments and values to the fashion landscape. “As sustainability became more widespread, the focus shifted to providing solutions and answers to the industry's evolving needs and standards.” NEONYT brought extensive expertise and a strong portfolio, adding significant value to their joint efforts. This partnership aimed to equip all industry stakeholders with essential knowledge to navigate sustainable practices effectively, fostering a comprehensive understanding of sustainability.

Claudia added that it's essential to educate people about the product life cycle. “Sustainability should permeate every aspect of the supply chain.” 

Messe Frankfurt organises events addressing the entire textile value chain and was therefore able to anticipate the shift towards sustainable production at an early phase. Her statement resonates with Sylvie’s thoughts: “Providing a platform for people to share their stories and visions is crucial for meeting industry needs and showcasing projects and commitments.”

Navigating towards the future

While assisting companies and partners in cruising through creative industries' frenetic evolutions, how do we as Trade Fairs Organizers and Business Solutions Providers navigate through those evolutions?

Sylvie outlined their mission to be innovative for their companies and partners, staying connected to industry trends through regular global tours: “Recognizing emerging markets like India was crucial for maintaining our partners' relevance.” Being the eyes and ears of the industry, they aim to serve partners' interests by providing vital information on policies, regulations, and trends. “We stand at the forefront of innovations and trending aesthetics for our brands as well as in creative industries and therefore must anticipate and decrypt their dynamics and challenges.”

Claudia highlighted the industry's constant evolution and the importance of guiding partners towards sustainable and respectful practices. “We aim at being a platform for contact, exchange, interaction, and education, keeping stakeholders informed about trends and industry developments.” This commitment to bringing knowledge  and engagement was vital for fostering long-term sustainability and innovation in the fashion industry.

Both concluded on their excitement at the prospect of this year’s new edition and the new dynamics and creative synergy it promises.

IMPACT and NEONYT Paris initiative will be showcasing from the 8th to the 10th of September with Who’s Next trade show at Porte de Versailles (Paris, France).

Yann Jobard