Interview with Marion Chapuis, founder of the accessories brand Boulbar

Boulbar was the meeting between India and France 5 years ago.Marion Chapius is a designer married to an Indian man wanting to creating pieces ethically in India, her second home.

She creates unique pieces that respect the environment and the people who make them.After a t-shirt collection, very quickly, the brand started to create other things: scarves, clutch bags and stationery. At the September edition of Who’s Next, we met Marion’s mother. She gave us more information about her daughter’s brand.MarionWhere did the brand name come from?

One morning, while picking up a croissant from the bakery and then enjoying it in the café next door, Marion decided to create this brand. Where the first part of the brand name “boul” and the other “bar” are combined. Marion is a good person and so this brand name suits her well as she has always wanted to create organic products.

Describe the brand in 3 words.Design, graphic and colorful, high quality and organic. Oops, that’s a few more than three!What are Marion’s inspirations?She is inspired by many artists but also by her own memories. Every scarf has a card that explains its story and the inspiration behind the specific piece. A scarf, a story.What is the signature piece at Boulbar?The brand signature is definitely their scarves._MG_1271What advice would you give to people who want to launch into the world of design with their brand and want to take part in Who’s Next to gain visibility?I think you really have to believe in your idea because it's not easy, both humanly as well as financially. You have to be ready to experience setbacks at the very beginning.How to not go unnoticed nowadays?I think that you have to make beautiful, high-quality pieces.What are the upcoming projects?Marion wants to develop and diversify the brand further than just scarves, shirts and t-shirts could be coming next. Even if a design process and quality is organic, she is still working to develop new environmentally friendly materials. That’s the icing on the cake.